Not Long Left Now…

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Only a couple of weeks of the holiday left. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves and I know you will all be very eager to get back to school!!

Over the next few weeks, this blog will start to have posts for my new class but don’t feel like you cannot leave a comment on it. I would like to hear how you are all getting on in your new classes and what’s going on at Burley Oaks.

Mr M.

Summer time!

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So you have been on holiday for over a week now, only 5 left!! I bet you are all staying in bed all morning and aren’t even thinking about school anymore!

I hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine and not just playing on your xboxes, wiis and playstations! I know some of you have been out and about, my spies have been working hard and have spotted you!

I have been trying my very best to eat all the chocolates, biscuits and sweets I received from you all! They have all been very nice so far, thank you very much!!

Mr. M

Summer Holidays!

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Just another quick note from me to say I hope you all have a brilliant summer holiday!

Thank you for making my last day at Burley Oaks such an enjoyable one, you were fantastic today and have been all year!

I am very proud of myself because I managed not to cry all day and embarrass myself but I am very sad to be leaving Burley Oaks.

I will see you all soon I hope – I have A LOT of thank you cards to deliver for some truly fantastic gifts!

Have a great summer guys!

Mr Milner

A BIG BIG thank you!

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Just a note to say thank you to you all. You have been a brilliant class this year and have all really impressed me, I couldn’t have asked for a better class to have as my first! I can’t believe how quickly this year has come to an end, probably because of all the fun we have had!

I hope you all have a really good summer holiday and that you come back in September ready to be as enthusiastic and well behaved for your new teachers as you have been for me.

I’m sure I will see you all soon and I will try to keep in touch with everyone at Burley Oaks. Who knows, I might even come and visit you sometime!

Thank you again for a super year!!

Mr Milner

Food chains and habitats


Here are some useful links about food chains and habitats:

Make your own mosaic

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If you did not get chance to finish your mosaic in class today, here is the link for the webpage we used.

On this page you can change the layout of the squares and also use different shapes.

Year 4 Spellings

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Here are the spellings for this week.

Spellings – 20th June

Year 4 Spellings

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Here are the spellings for this week.

Spellings – 13th June

Attention Year 4 English!

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Remember we will be visiting the outdoor classroom on Monday morning so you need to bring some suitable footwear, especially if it rains over the weekend.

Year 4 English Homework

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Here is the English homework for this week. It is due in by Wednesday 15th June.

Punctuating sentences

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