Year 3 Maths Homework

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Here is the homework set today. It is due in by Wednesday 15th June.

Venn diagrams

Year 4 Spellings

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Here are the spellings for this week.

Spellings – May 23rd

New Burley Oaks Website

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Take a look at the new school website. It has lots of new features including a picture of me covered in gunge from Red Nose Day!!

If you have any suggestions for the website, you can leave a comment below.

Year 4 Spellings


Here are the spellings for this week, and the puzzle!

Spellings – 16th May

Year 4 Spellings

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Here are the spellings for this week:

Spellings – 9th May

Multiplication games

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Most of you will have seen these before in your maths lessons but I thought I would post them here as well.


Spellings – 28th March

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Here are the spellings for this week. I have also included the puzzle this week.

Spellings – 28th March

Year 4 Spellings

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Here are the spellings for this week.

Spellings – 21st March

Year 4 English homework – 14th March

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Rewrite these sentences using an adverb and a power 3. Then, choose one of the nouns and write a simile for that noun.

 1)    The cheetah ran across the sand.

2)   John climbed up the mountain.

3)   The shark swam through the ocean.

4)   Shaun and Mark walked through the tunnel.

5)   The mouse ran through the kitchen.


Andrew climbed the tree

Andrew carefully climbed the brown, bumpy, wet tree.
The tree was as tall as a skyscraper.

The homework is due in next Monday, 21st March.

Year 4 Spellings

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Here are the spellings for this week:

Spellings – 7th March

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