Christmas Party

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Just to remind you all about the Christmas party on Tuesday afternoon. You are all allowed to bring one or two small snacks such as crisps or chocolate biscuits.

You can also bring in some different clothes to your school uniform, your party clothes!! You will have the chance to change into your party gear after registration and then we will all go down to the hall for the party!!

Christmas narration

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Here are the words for our Christmas narration.

The Shepherds Worship.

Just as the angels told them,

On the hills around the town,

The shepherds found the baby King,

And did at once bow down,

Joseph was at first surprised,

And Mary pondered still,

As shepherds told their wondrous tale,

Of angels on the hill.

Year 4 Spellings

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Here are the spellings for my Year 4 English group.

Night, bright, right, light, fight, flight, knight, fright, tight, sight, might, slight, height, freight, eight, straight, weight, twilight, midnight, moonlight.

Habitat Heroes

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Just a reminder to you all that on Monday afternoon we will be hedge planting with Habitat Heroes (weather permitting). I suggest wearing wellies or some strong outdoor shoes if possible.


Enjoy your weekend, see you on Monday.

Year 4 Spellings

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Here are this weeks spellings for my Year 4 English group

calf, calves, half, halves, self, selves, cliff, cliffs, sniff, sniffs, knife, knives, life, lives, safe, saves, cuff, cuffs, loaf, loaves.

Another Viking game

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Here is a link to another Viking game I have found for you online. Hope you like it!

French websites

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Here are some websites you can access at home to practise your French.

Murton Park

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Just a quick note to remind you all about Murton Park on Wednesday. We aim to leave school at 8:30 so can everyone please be at school for 8:20 to ensure we can set off on time, we don’t want to miss any of the activities!

You all need to bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag, unless you have organised to have a school packed lunch. The packed lunch needs to be as Viking as possible so (ideally) brown bread, cold meat, pasty, cheese, biscuits (no chocolate), fruit/dried fruit. Drinks will be provided by Murton Park.

As most of the activities will be outside (hopefully) you need to wear warm clothes. You do not need to wear your school uniform. Remember you will also be wearing Viking clothes once at Murton Park. You also need suitable outdoor footwear.

I hope you are all looking forward to it. Fingers crossed the sun will come out!!!

Year 4 Spellings


Here are this weeks spellings for my literacy group.

special, specialise, theory, theorise, personal, personalise, apology, apologise, note, notify, jolly, jollify, beauty, beautify, horror, horrify, pure, purify, drama, dramatise.

Tallula’s holiday

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Tallula is hoping to go on holiday on Friday. She is looking for a nice, warm house to stay in for the half term holidays!

If you would like to look after Tallula during the holidays then you need to make sure it is ok with your parents and then tell me so we can sort out the tank for you.


Mr Milner (and Tallula)

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